Friday, November 14, 2008

New Job

I got a promotion!

I'll be back to explain later :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

MSNBC Election Result Widget

Friday, September 12, 2008

My Wish List

I wish I had a career that would open doors to bigger and better things, instead of a job with not even a window

I wish I had a man who didn't care what the number on the scale is, but cared that I looked my best for him

I wish I had more money so I could move out instead of making chump change forcing me to live here

I wish I had something to eat so my stomach would stop rumbling! lol

I wish I was planning my marriage with him

I wish I wasn't pushing 30 and not have anything going right in my life

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Job Search

So I'm seriously back in the whole job search thing, though I never really stopped since I got out of college. I have to get a new job by October, I cannot stand to continue to be in the position I'm in but......

Michigan is running an 8.5% unemployment rate as of July.....where on earth will I find a job in this market?????

And I'm looking all over the place, career builder, monster, local papers classifieds, magazine classifieds, craigslist and nothing.

I've applied for A position with my company but I know I'm not going to get that

I think within the last 6 months I've applied to at least 150-200 jobs and no call back, no email back nothing.....

what am I doing wrong?????

I know I need to revamp my resume, but thats a bit costly......

I know whats partly to blame......the stupid current position I have now. Its looked at as having no experience I bet, I feel thats how we're looked at within our own company so I'm sure other employers are thinking the same

Any help would be great

Til Next Time!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

RIP Bernie Mac

Such a huge talent, gone too soon

RIP and my prayers go out to your family

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Things to consider when contacting customer service

I always hear tons and tons of complaints from people who call customer service for various companies. Now, I understand your frustration when a company has gone the cheap route and outsourced their customer service to India and it's clear your not speaking to someone who understands your prblem. I hate calling with anything to do with fixing a computer or related device. That is absolutely the worse.

However, as a customer service "professional", who has gone through being on the phone to now handling emails I can attest that most of the problems I have dealt with and listen to others in the field are most customer made, easily remedied if you didn't try to fix whatever the problem was yourself which just makes it worse, etc etc. I will provide you with some insight into what I assume is a normal US call center.

  1. There are rules and procedures that the people you are talking to have to abide by to keep their job. If you think you're entitled to something that you know you're really just trying to get over on they can't always provide that for you. Just like you need your job to spend your money on whatever junk you're calling to complain about, they need to keep their jobs in order to take care of their business/families etc. 10 times out of 10 there are maximums to what a regualr representative can have a problem with your bill and the problem lies with the company you will be compensated but don't go requesting something beyond what you deserve. That makes you greedy and can get the rep in trouble if they cave to your every demand.
  2. It will serve you well that before you call you have all information regarding your product or service in front of you so that when you call and you are asked to provide that informaiton you're not getting frustrated because you have to go look for it. You're calling Sprint...have your pin number because they can't get into your account without...its security...looking out for you. You're calling your cable company...have your information ready so they can help you better. You sent in a check for payment but you received a bill after you sent it...think about the date you sent it...could it have crossed in the mail?? Are you certain it has been cashed. Before you call cussing someone out who has nothing to do with causing your problem check it out.
  3. Remember, the person you are talking to is not the cause of your problem. They have been hired to assist you with what you need assistance with. If you call cussing them out they're not going to want to help you and you're going to get shitty service if they don't give a fuck. If they're being monitored then no, your service is not going to be shitty but they're not going to be willing to go beyond the call of duty to help you. Also remember they have to leave a detailed note in your account of what you were calling/emailing about so there is record of what has happened. I can't tell you how many times customers have been caught in a lie because they weren't happy with one rep hang up and call back and try to get the new rep to give them what they're asking for. DUH! we already know, its already been laughed at amongst the group! You're not going to get it!
  4. The most common sense advice I can offer you is to be respectful. Would you want people to speak to you any kind of way at your job? Cussing you out for their mistakes??? How would that make you feel? Did it make you feel superior because you got to cuss some poor person out who is really trying to help you out??? Imagine how that person feels?? They get all kinds of crazy calls all day and you've added to that stress for no reason at all. If you have an actual serious grievance where you have suffered some due hardship you can be upset, I'm not saying you can't but there is a way to go about getting your problem fixed and cussing the first person you contact out is not going to help.

I have more but I have to get back to work so there may be a part 2 later.

Til Next Time

I'm Out!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Buying a House

So I put in an offer on a house in Oak Park, Mi.

I know I already live in Oak Park but the house was perfect.

All it needs is a new roof, which hud will pay for and a new front door :) oh and refrigerator.

The inside is move in ready, just need some cleaning and painting. The windows are new, the basement is finished and there is a bathroom down there which is awesome, I may make that the "play room" eventually.

I'll know by Monday whether my bid makes it :) Pray for me!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

politically speaking

This will likely be my only political blog until after they pick the democratic nominee so here it goes

First off some stuff is bothering me from reading comments on other sites like the Huff Post and Daily Kos and even CNN when they're discussing Obama and Clinton. Why is it that some clinton supports will not support barack because of his extreme supporters and vice versa and would rather vote republican?? What does his supporters and vice versa have to do with either candidate's positions on improving the economy....ending the war in iraq......improving our reputation with the rest of the world.....let me back track and through out there who I support and that is Obama.....

I think he is the right person for the job. I am more impressed by how he has ran his capaign compared to Clinton who has just turned desparate and nasty. I was the biggest supporter of Bill Clinton (though I was like 10 or 11 the first time he ran) though had no opinion either way of Hillary. Once his two terms were up thats when I took notice of her and became not necessarily a fan but I thought nothing but nice thoughts about her.

Then comes this campaign and her arrogance that turned into this retarded sense of entitlement that I have no idea why she has it. She was first lady not a member of his cabinet, why do you deserve to be president off that??

Ok she is a senator in her is it 6th year? Ok run off that, not what you did as first lady because you held no governmental position. Even being senator does not give you the right to be president, you have to work for it and prove yourself worthy like everyone else who throws their name in the hat.

Then the Bill Richardson he owed me his endorsment crap. He worked for BILL CLINTON not Hillary. He doesn't owe Hillary a thing. He could have done Bill a favor and endorsed his wife but it would be a catch 22, he would get called out for endorsing Clinton based on the fact that B Clinton helped jump start his political career or he would get called "Judas" as Carville referred to him for going with Barack. I believe every word that he said that he decided on Obama when the Clinton campaign became ovetly negative. I was disgusted myself so I can only imagine what kind of inside information he has on the Clintons.

Something else that bothers me is the recent flack Obama is getting over his bitter comments. He was asked a question and he answered it bottom line. He didn't lie, nothing was made up, he gave his opinion on what he encountered campaigning in Pennsylvania. Its amazing to me how the Mass Media has just continued to try and successfully try at that to shape this election. They have manufactured it from the time the last person said they wanted in. Every opinion and debate, every thought put out and then reiterated by the people have come straight from Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, WaPo, etc. I'll start listening to the opposition when they stop using the talking points from Fox News.

Well thats all I have for now. I know it was brief and I wanted to go deeper but I'm a little sleepy and its starting to go off topic and it will turn into rambling if I don't stop now.

Til Next Time!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Friends.....How many of us have them

So I'm 25 right and I have no friends. I talk to the same person everyday but he's more than a friend so he doesn't count. ALL but about 25-30 minutes out of my cell phone minutes are with him, the rest is my family. I had a lot of friends when I graduated but I don't talk to any of them anymore for no reason really. I long grew apart from my high school friends though we held on to each other as long as possible. Kids happened (not me though) and just taking different paths caused us not to keep in touch. One person lied on the other and that caused an unneccessary riff though not talking was bound to happen. I have my best friend who I love to death who I just don't spend any time with; she was really all I had when it all boiled down to discarding folks and we don't talk now. My hanging buddies moved so I haven't been out in I don't know how long where I really enjoyed myself, I mean really I haven't been out out in a year really. Thats kind of sad.

Then I had my college friends who have all moved out of the state and doing what they do, keeping in touch with who they keep in touch with but not me. I kinda secluded myself but lines of communication has always been open; hell I'm on facebook, it just takes a few seconds to drop a note and see whats up. I've tried that but rately get a response or it just widdles off and we go anothter couple of months not speaking. I wish I would have held on closer to a couple but what can I do now. I spend all my time at work and at home, I go to target sometimes or the grocery store and that is it. I used to go out a lot, go to the movies and out to a bar but I havne't done anything because I don't have anymore to hang with.

I know this is a little pathetic but I just had to get this out. Its a little lonely my way. I've hit the end of the internet too many times to count and I've read a lot of books. I need some human interaction, a call or text even.

Well I gotta go to bed

Til Next Time

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What I'm Doing Now to Change

So its been a minute and I thought I'd give an update on what I'm doing now to change my position.

Well there is the job search though Michigan was #1 in the worst state to look for a job category but I am still looking here. I'm not going to give up on my statejust yet though I have wanted to. But I'm still applying to places all over different kind of jobs different areas. We'll see what happaens with that. I'm trying to make about $4-5k more so I can get my condo and move out the house. I could get one now I think but I'll have to see how this car payment and stuff thing goes see how much money I will actually have to spend on bills associated with a condo. But anywho back to the job search. My dream would be to work for the Pistons though I know that is highly competitive since they're a good team but I apply when they have spots open. Hopefully something will pan out. I'm looking out for the Lions and Tigers too, they don't seem to have spots opened as much though.

Right now I'm applying for any company I can think of and any position they have other than positions like I'm in now, I can't move to another company doing this shit anymore, has to be a forward move. I deserve better, I will get better and I will be better!

After I get my car situation situated I'm going to get back into preparing myself to go back to school, though I'm hearing similar stories to mine with people going through the same thing with their grad school degree I do think it will help some. I'm thinking about a MBA, I got the study books and everything I'm just lacking a little motivation. It'll happen though, one day lol.

Ok, thats enough on this.....a rant is coming next

Monday, January 7, 2008

What Went Wrong

So this is what I think went wrong with my college career.

1. Right Major/Wrong Time
I received my BA in Sports Management and Communications. Freshman year I wanted to be a sports agent, not really thinking about and not really abreast about how all of that works and what it means to be a sports agent. So I applied to the Division of Kinesiology which housed along with Sports Management, physical education, movement science, and athletic training. It may have dawn on those in charge that this particular concentration would serve better in the business school or maybe a joint hook up with sports management and the relevant b-school classes (which we had but the b-school did not want us taking classes with their students). It was painfully aware that this major was tailored made for athletes who either wouldn't make it to the pros or needed a back up plan. This was not set up for students who wanted to really do something business related in the sporting industry. We were the butt of many jokes because most of the football team were sports management majors and a lot of the classes weren't really dumbed down for the athletes but weren't really that hard

There was no clear way to have a concentration like advertising or marketing or economics because they only offered one class on each. If I took advertising and sports adveritsing and marketing and sports marketing does that make a good candidate for a marketing career??? I don't think so but I took all four of those classes as well as sport economics and racism and sports and sport psychology, and sport law, basically a hodgepodge of sporting topics. I don't believe anything prepared me for any kind of career path.

Fast forward to my junior year and a problem with b-school attitude with us taking their classes but our classes should be wide open for their students and the Kines directors decide well we'll shut them out and make our program more competitive. Too late for me to partake in this wonderful restructuring that allow for more specific track of study. They added more requirements that in my opinion provided a better background for the higher level classes. It was an all around great change that my class was not apart of. So I graduated with a B.A. in Sports Management and no clue on what to do next.

2. Not Being Active Enough
I didn't join any major groups, didn't participate in anything really. I was just there taking classes and going home every weekend. I look back at all the different programs I could have joined all the contacts I could have made and I lost out on a lot. I was too busy trying to keep up with the few friends I have at home to be worried about the people on campus and what they were doing. And now I don't even talk to those people I was coming home to see all the time. I could have had a great college life but chose to do otherwise. I hated college. But now that I think about it, it is all my own fault. I always say life is what you make it and I made Michigan a terrible experience.

Well when I first started this I had a longer list but I've forgotten most of it now so I'll leave it at these two and maybe a part two later.

So I'm out!