Saturday, December 12, 2009

Relationships, Cheaters, Becoming Jaded and all that jazz

Within the last two years or so I've met or been approached by more dudes who are in relationships than I have in my whole adult dating life and I think I'm becoming jaded out relationships.

And for the record I know chicks cheat just as much as dudes but I'm a chick who doesn't and this is what I'm dealing with.

I know ninjas have been cheating since the beginning of time but I mean I at least thought there were SOME out there that don't. But the more I meet guys and most are in relationships of some sort (even married) the more I see how willing they are to get at me regardless of who they have at home. Some have talked about how much they love their wife or girl and are happy in that situation but just want to "get to know me" aka get in my bed.


Why can't they just acknowledge an attraction to someone and not act on it? Is it really something in males that make them want to pro-create with any chick they find suitable?

Is this social construct of marriage really whats not natural and something that should not be looked forward to if you wish to have a fully committed partner?

If you decide to get married should you be ok with a certain level of adultery?

What do you consider cheating in the first place? Inappropriate talks? Secret friends of the opposite sex? Inappropriate thoughts of someone other than the person you're with?

I think some things are excusable, we're human, we have brains, we have hormones.

Maybe the animal in us is closer than we think?? Maybe commitment is the issue and not the men......

What do you think?