Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Revelation

Hello Blog World

I'm kind of new to this so bare with me while I get started

I guess I will first let you all in on why I created this blog. I graduated from UMich- Ann Arbor 3 years ago. I was jobless for a year being turned down left and right from every single job I applied to. I then started working at the very bottom of the barrel for LaSalle Bank. I wasn't even in a branch, I worked in an off site location processing atm deposits. Me, arrogant me, arrogant Umich graduate. It was part time and barely paid my cell phone bill and I couldn't start paying back my student loan. That job lasted 5 months until I was offered another position. This one was full time and I am able to pay my bills and do some random Amazon.com shopping. But, its a terrible job, not worthy of a UMich graduate, definitely one who thinks so highly of her degree.

Fast forward a year and a half at this terrible job and I was having a conversation with another UMich grad who is having the same issues I am but she is jobless. We talked about life after UMich and how looking at our peers makes it even more frustrating that we're not excelling like we thought a Michigan grad should. Our peers have graduated grad school, just about to get out of law school, starting families and we're just barely getting by. Makes facebook really hard to login to as they post their accomplishments and I have nothing to post.

So I was in the shower and thought I'd start a blog about my after UMich life and how is sucks and maybe I'll find some more people out there who have graduated from schools that are suppose to produce great people and have not lived up to the hype.

Well it is Christmas so I'll end my first post here. I'm off to play my Nintendo DS since I have nothing else to do.

Til Next Time


Anonymous said...

A degree from U-M, Harvard, MIT or Yale never guarantees anyone anything as far as a career. For the most part, undergraduate degrees are becoming more and more useless. Pretty soon a graduate degree will become the norm for getting any kind of job. However, I still think that it's all about the effort you put into finding a job. I'm sure before you came to Michigan, many people fed you the lines, "you won't have any problem finding a job if you graduate from Michigan" What they didn't tell you is that for the most part, it's all about who you know and what not you knkow. Nothing will fall into your lap simply because you have "University of Michigan" on your resume. I found this out the hard way, much like you. I was jobless for about a year, but kept on the grind and a company finally took a chance on me and they've been reaping the benefits ever since.

UM2004 said...

Its definitely who you know and not what you know. I knew that going in I just didn't expect the job search situation to be as bad as it is though the economy has a lot to do with that. I made a lot of mistakes along the way which attributed to my position other than my high expectations. That will be another post on another day. But thanks for the comment

Anonymous said...

hey i read all your blogs and first change your mindset. I make less than the folks i graduated with. But I love what I do. I quit my job was out of work for 6months and stayed praying to God. Anything is possible you just have to get your mind right. All a job is, is a paycheck. Use your spare time to enjoy life. Join a ministry at church, join your local Urban League or NAACP chapter, volunteer weekly. It will give you valuable experience, you can gain leadership skills that you place on your resume and you can meet people with the connects you need.

Take the time to assess what you want and what makes you happy. Gain the needed experience through volunteer activities if necessary, or take a relevant class at a local community college and then go for it. Be confident, find the excitement and growth from each position you have had and market it. My pitfalls have built resilience and strength of character and I believe that is marketable. I believe in myself and I believe in my God.

Making big bucks is nice but being happy is a necessity, learn to be like Paul who was content in all situation even when he was in prison. (Philippians 4:12). And remember Romans 8:28, that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.

PS: it's not what you make, it's what you do with it. Read "girl get your money straight". You'd be surprised how many people take those fabulous trips on credit. Sometimes more money simply means the potential for more debt. Learn to love your life, yourself and bless God for the good and the bad.
(success is failure turned inside out. stop referring to yourself as a failure, even as a joke)

Your fellow 04 Wolverine.

maya! said...

Hey sister-dear!

I was facebook stalking you and came across the blog you mentioned. I'm lame, so here I am!

Damn, we're a lot more similar than you or I realize.


I know exactly how you feel about your degree... You're really shit out of luck with just your undergrad (unless you're a Michigan Engineer, as they're fond of saying) and it's more confusing than ever, deciding what you want to do after college. Temptation tells you to pick something safe, something guaranteed... But the safe path isn't always the best path.... Life is too doggone confusing... And folks just make it more so...